Site Map : Microcontrollers Circuits Projects
Microcontrollers Circuits Projects
Respberry Pi Pico W NeoPixels Experiments With Programmable I/O (PIO) Using MicroPython
HackerBox 0095: A.I. Camera Lab
Midbar (STM32F407VET6 + Arduino Uno Version)
Micro-controllers DC/DC Step-down 6-42V to 12V/5V
A Motion Detecting Device
Respberry Pi Pico W Generating Tones With Programmable I/O (PIO) Using MicroPython
Sea Urchin Hat Tide Clock
Midbar (STM32F407VET6 Version)
Esp32-Stick(16MB Version) + EspEasy
Measure Angles Easily With MPU6050 and ESP32: Part 1 - Library Walkthrough
HC-SR04 (Ultrasonic Distance Sensor) Arduino Tutorial
Build a Self Watering System (Soil Moisture Sensor - Water Pump - Water Level Sensor - MOSFET - Circuit - Code)
How to Connect BMP-280 to ESP32: Get Pressure, Temperature, and Altitude
IoT Project Using ESP32 Alexa With OTA WiFi Update
Crypto Mining With ESP32
Midbar (ESP8266 Version) V2.0
Use Plastic Bottle to Make Automatic Plant Watering System.
Midbar (RTL8720DN + Arduino Uno Version)
Creating a Keyboard With Only Two Buttons (Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V) Through DeviceScript Has Been Said to Improve the Efficiency of Programmers😂
NiMH Rechargeable Battery Comparison Using Kitronik Inventor's Kit and Adafruit CLUE
W5300 & STM32 Based Smart Home Hub
Extreme Sound to Light Project
Developing a Custom Font for the Embedded Systems
Midbar (RTL8720DN Version)
XIAO ESP32 S3 Handheld Camera- Pocket Edition
Bluetooth Temperature Regulator
OpenFarmingAI: Automatisiertes Microgreens Anbau System Mit Ebbe-Flut System Mit Pythagoreischem Abfluss Für Die Einbindung in Home Assistant
Midbar (Teensy 4.1 Version) V2.0
JD Brain RP2040 and Jacdac Modules for DeviceScript Platforms
Atmega328P Shield for Quick Prototyping on Breadboards
Lap Lab Mini: Portable Electronics Workstation
Hash Latch
Simple Temperature Comprator Using LM35 and ATtiny13A
DIY Digital Alarm Clock With FM Radio
Mini Tetris - RP2040 Beginner Project
Exploring and Reducing ADC Noise on Adafruit CLUE (Nordic NRF52840)
RGB LED Strip Controller - Homelight (XIAO RP2040)
Getting Started With XIAO RP2040
DIY ESP32 Bluetooth GamePad for Android, PlayStation and PC
Gps Thing
DIY: Making & Programming Your Own ESP8266 Boards From Scratch
Smart Home System
Sentire - Smart Thermostat
Automatic Curtain Opener
Whether Station Using Attiny85 Microcontroller With Oled Display
Midbar (Teensy 4.1 Version)
Roving Inclinometer With IPhone Data Logging
Pico W - Bluetooth Communication
Scoutify : Smart GPS Tracker
Smart Night Lamp - Nocturno
Custom Firmware for Chinese Radiation Meters/Geiger Counters
Upgraded DDS Signal Generator From Arduino to STM32 Black-Pill Is Very Fast
Whack-a-Light! - When Moles Become Lights
How to program ESP32 With VSC on Windows
ESP32 / ESP32C3 Blink Test Rust Development in Windows WSL
One and Multiple Servo Motor Control With ESP32 Development Board
Black Swan V2.0
Battery Capacity Measurement Using Kitronik Inventor's Kit and Adafruit CLUE