Site Map : Grade 9 Teachers Projects
Grade 9 Teachers Projects
3D Printed Combat Robots!
GREEN VEHICLE FOR GREENER TOMORROW- an Eco-friendly Vehicle for Future
PVC Native American Flute in A
Decorative Hexagonal Wood Serving Tray
Growing a Leather-like Biomaterial in the Classroom From Kombucha
Arduino: Filling Gaps for Project Based Learning and First Time Teachers
Bamboo Slide Whistle
Drawing Regular Polygons
Growing Spirulina in the Classroom
Quilt Pattern Engineering Using Tinkercad
How to Find the Radius for a Circle of Which the Length of a Chord and the Distance Between Its Midpoint and the Top of the Circle Are Known
Sacramento Enliven Bridge: a Kaleidoscope of Unity, Art, and Nature
The Circle Bridge
3D Printed Flexi Snake
Make a Rainbow Pendulum Snake With Tinkercad.
The Magnetic 59 Icosahedra
Inexpensive 3d Printed Microcentrifuge
Modular-Mechanical Rocket
Design Your Own 3D Phone Case Model in Fusion 360!
LED Matrix PCB (Full Beginner Tutorial)
Wildlife Overpass
Molde Diseño Rocket
A Dodge Ball Game
Designing an Off Grid House Project
Math Class Hall Pass
How to Make a Webpage Using HTML and CSS.
Make a Volta's Hailstorm
Sparklab- Create an Innovative Marble Run
MinerPass Application
Engineering Architectural Models: a Cumulative PBL Engineering Activity
World Literature Book Trailer STEM/STEAM Project
Lit Oxygen Bohr Model
Fusion 360 Modeled Pedestrian Bridge Project
Light Saber Lamp
Converting an Image Into an .SVG File
Debate Speech Lesson Using STEM/STEAM
Mini Aircraft Carrier
How Can I Showcase Local History Through 3D Printing?
Creating a Stylish Triangular Pixels LED Clock Using WS2812 Leds and Wemos D1 Mini Module
Make a Mobile Fighter Jet Game With Scratch and Tinkercad.
Retro Battery Powered Bluetooth Speaker
Motion Galaxy Lamp
Lyre Der Himmel From Genshin Impact
3D Printed DIY Remote Controlled Tank With Operational Gun
Travel Ukulele (with Steps)
Budget Racing Simulator Cockpit
Balloon Car: a Combination of CNC and 3D Printing Technologies
An Educational Game: Stack-0!
Valotaulu - Horoskooppi // LASER + BBC MICRO:BIT
Rubik's Cube Solver
Custom Trophy Project (Prototype)
How to Create Hello World in C
Roof Tile Texture Roller (Works for Any Texture)
Predicting Instructables Contest Winners With App Inventor and Web Scraping
Rock Paper Scissors Using Tinkercad Circuits and Arduino
Backlit Analog Wall Clock
Basics of Arduino (TINKERCAD)
Simple 60 LED Ring Clock, Tinkercad Design, 3D Printed, WiFi NTP Connected, Tasmota Firmware