Introduction: Pirate Chest for Candy Made Out of Hama Beads

About: I am a former teacher at a danish bording school. I used to teach tech, making, creativity and innovation. Now I mostly design projects for students and makers and educational materials for teachers.

While working on the "From 2d to 3d" series I was thinking on how close I could copy the act of 3d printing with Hama-beads. This is the result. A treasure chest made by heating beads together and then gluing each layer together.

When designing it I thinking that it could be cool for having candy in for Halloween, but it actuelly looks really good, so I am properly going to find some other use for it betwen the holidays.



Hama Beads


Baking paper



Large hama beads plate

Something broad and heavy

Step 1: The Box

First you should make the box. To do that you first need to make the 22 figures above. The order is importent, since that is the order they should be glued together in.

After you have build each figure, remember to melt it together.

Heat up your iron and put a piece of baking paper on top of your figure. Then carefully heat it up, so the beads melt together. Don't use to much heat and no steam iron!

When all the beads have melted together you can take the beads of the plate and turn them around. Put baking paper on the new side and also heat that one up.

Step 2: Assemble the Box

Now glue it all together. You should start with the button. Put glue on the second layer and put it on the button layer. Continue like that, building the box from the button up. When you have put all the layers together, put something broad and heavy on top while the glue strenghtens.

Step 3: The Lid

Then it is time to make the lid. To do that you first need to make the 9 figures above.

After you have build each figure, remember to melt it together.

Step 4: Test!

Test if the first to figures from the above list fits into the box. They might have spread out a bit when they got melted and can't fit inside it. If that is the case, then take a knife and cut of a small part of it, until it fits.

Step 5: Glue the Lid

Now glue the lid like you did the box. The structur of the lid is not as stable as the box, so you the thing you put on top can't be to heavy. You can also build a support structur to help stabilize the middle of the lid. Build 6 5x5 squares from beads. Then melt them and glue them together. You then glue that into the middle of the lid, before you put on the two top layers.

Step 6: Finished

You now have a pirat treasure chest made with hama-beads. It can't really carry anything heavy inside, but it is perfect for having buns in for Fastelavn or candy in for Halloween

Halloween Contest

This is an entry in the
Halloween Contest