Introduction: Coffee Table With Stools

Due to space constraints, I planned for making a coffee table which can accomodate 4 stools under it. Finally, I increased the width to accomodate 6 stools under it. This is my first project with Mica sheets.

First, I made a stool to gain confidence. All goes right and I made the full project.


  1. Plywood
  2. Mica sheet
  3. Fevicol/glue
  4. Screws
  5. Drill Machine
  6. Saw
  7. Filer tool (to cut extra mica sheet)
  8. Measuring tape
  9. Pencil for marking
  10. Paper/pen for planning(if you want to change size as per your need)
  11. Rollers (optional)

Step 1: Planning Dimensions and Cutting

Think of the size(length, breadth and height) of table/stool you need.

Based on -

  1. Available space
  2. Seating area and hieght you preffer for sitting
  3. No of seatings you want

Height of table to be more than stool such that, stool may slide easily under table even with a cushion on top of it and with rollers if you are planning to install rollers at base of stool for easy movement. Keep in mind that one ply piece need to be put on top of another, while defining sizes for cutting the pieces of ply wood.


In my case size of 6 plywoods pieces for a stool (for six stools, you need 6x of these) are as follows (thickness of plywood used by me = 1.9 cms )-

3 pieces: 42 cms x 42 cms

2 pieces: 42 cms x 38.2 cms

1 piece: 38.2 cms x 38.2 cms (top one, which would be removable to access the storage space)


Table Top

Width: A bit larger than the size of two stools, in my case it is 90 cms

Length: A bit larger than the size of three stools, in my case it is 136 cms

So for top I cut a piece of plywood of 136 cms x 90 cms

Legs: I simply used 3 plywood pieces (with plastic base to avoid moisture), size being as follows-

2 pieces: 90 cms x 52 cms

1 piece: 136 cms x 52 cms

Now cut the plywood pieces as decided above.

Step 2: Joining/pasting

Join the 5 parts- base and 4 sides to make a stool and make top such that you may remove it and store something in your stool. It will act as storage too. To hold the top ply wood piece, attach wood at the inside 4 corners at a distance from top to accomodate cushion.

For the table, legs to be placed in a manner that stool may slide under it easily. Spacing and height to be provided accordingly. I have attached photo here, how mine looked after assembling (bottom view).

Paste the mica on the stool sides (outside). I cut the mica a little more than required to accomodate measuring error. After pasting the same, I cut the extra mica using filer tool.

For making the leg of table, I made a joint by half cutting the pieces and then making them interlocked.

Step 3: Pasting Mica and Final Table

Just cut and paste the Mica and your coffee table with stools is ready. Enjoy your hard work having some cold/hot drink as per the climate. Attached two videos for you- How I cut mica sheet and then extra sheet after pasting

Step 4: Final Product

So, this is how the coffee table looks now. I am not a professional carpenter but just do few things as hobby. Hope it may be helpful for someone, who was looking for something like this.

Woodworking Contest

This is an entry in the
Woodworking Contest