Introduction: Finger Airboard No Power Tools!!!!
I was bored in the car so I made some Finger air boards you stick your hand out your car window and you ride the air currents
I used a knife a block of wood some spray paint and sand paper and string
Step 1: The Shape of the Board
I marked the shape of the board and the cut it down with the knife. After that was done a sanded it down
Step 2: Painting
Then I took it out and painted it. Always remember to put lighter layers on so it dries
Step 3: Finished
Then I tied the string on. So roll down those windows and surf
Thanks for reading
This is an entry in the
Woodworking Contest
21 days ago on Step 3
You don’t need a car to enjoy those boards, you’ve made mini bullroarers !
Reply 20 days ago
Haha yeah I know.