Introduction: Glorious Shield

Do you have a sibling? Do they annoy you? We have the perfect solution. Make a glorious shield!


  • a wooden plank (about 75x45cm)
  • a saw
  • sand paper
  • a hammer
  • some nails
  • pliers
  • felt paper
  • paint and brushes

Step 1: Cutting Out the Shape

The shape of the shield is very simple. It's basically a triangle on a square. The angle between the 45cm long sides and the 35cm long side is about 140 degrees. We didn't have a circular saw so we did it by hand. It takes a lot longer, the end result isn't as precise and it is a lot harder but it is doable. You'll need to sand of the edges afterwards. We recommend doing this outside as it creates a lot of dust.

Step 2: Making and Attaching the Handles

First you'll need to fold the felt paper. You need to fold it along the shorter side twice as shown in the photos. Then you need to hammer it onto the back of the shield. If you had long nails like we did, you'll need to cut excess off.

Step 3: Designing and Painting the Front

We won't help you with this one. The design which you create will make your shield truly original and unique.

Step 4: Congratulate Yourself

You just made a shield!

Woodworking Contest

This is an entry in the
Woodworking Contest