Introduction: Super Affordable Frisbee (70 Cents!!!)

Hello, my name is Josh. I am a sophomore(10th) in high school at Grandview Prep School. I am in a computer science/STEM and one of the projects was to make an instructables so I made a VERY affordable frisbee, most frisbees cost $10 and a good frisbee golf frisbees can cost $20 and I thought well I have a 3D printer, and I have Fusion 360 so I have made a 3D printable frisbee that cost 70 cents to make!!! It takes only 5 simple steps and 48 grams of filament.


All you need is access to a

  • 3D printer like the Ender 3 which cost $141
  • Filament like the Creality which cost $15.00
  • A 3D cad like Fusion 360 or Tinkercad
  • A slicer, mine is Creality
  • 5 Minutes

Step 1: Open Your CAD

Open your option of CAD, for me it is Fusion 360

Step 2: The Start

Take a cylinder and make the dimensions 210mm by 210mm by 7mm tall

Step 3: Hole

Get the hole tool and size it to be 150mm wide and 100mm tall.

Step 4: Finish

Click the Fillet tool and select all 4 edges and type 3.500mm and then hit enter. BOOM its done that simple

Step 5: Export

Hit the file button and export as a .stl and import into a slicer, mine is Creality slicer. Then print.

Step 6: Have Fun

If you want this type of frisbee to go VERY fast and VERY far throw under hand, if not throw over hand.

Make it Fly Student Design Challenge

This is an entry in the
Make it Fly Student Design Challenge