Introduction: Project-Based Learning: How to Engineer a Race Team and Prototype Car

About: STEM Educator


Welcome to this exciting project-based learning Instructable, where you'll have the opportunity to unleash your creativity, teamwork, and problem-solving skills! In this hands-on project, you'll dive into the world of race car engineering as you create your very own race team and design a prototype car. Get ready to embark on a thrilling journey that combines branding, budgeting, circuits, simple machines, prototyping, and 3D printing.

Throughout this project, you'll take on the roles of team managers, engineers, and designers as you navigate the exciting challenges of creating a winning race car. From brainstorming ideas and crafting a compelling team brand to designing and building a functional prototype, you'll experience the full spectrum of the engineering process.

Take a look at the design challenge and rules for your race team's car

Rules and Build Regulations

For Teachers:

The motivation behind the Project:

With ten years of experience in teaching Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) at I.S. 98 in Brooklyn N.Y., I have dedicated my career to inspiring young minds and fostering a love for hands-on learning. After years of classroom experience and observing the ever-evolving landscape of education, I recognized the importance of project-based learning in nurturing students' critical thinking, problem-solving, and teamwork skills. Understanding that traditional textbook-based approaches often fall short of truly engaging students and preparing them for the challenges of the future.

Motivated to make a difference and provide an unforgettable learning experience, this project was developed five years ago. Since then, it has proven to be a remarkable journey for countless students, sparking their curiosity, igniting their creativity, and instilling a lifelong love for STEM. By combining various elements such as branding, budgeting, prototyping, and design, this project aims to provide a comprehensive and immersive experience that mirrors the challenges and excitement of the professional world.

This project aspires to inspire the next generation of engineers, designers, and innovators, equipping them with the essential skills needed to thrive in a technology-driven society. By engaging in hands-on activities, collaborating with peers, and applying scientific principles to practical challenges, students will develop critical skills, foster a growth mindset, and gain the confidence to tackle complex problems.

Join us on this incredible journey as we dive into the world of race teams, branding, budgeting, prototyping, and design. Let's embark on a path of exploration, discovery, and creativity, as we unleash our imaginations and unlock our potential as future STEM leaders. Get ready to create, innovate, and make your mark in this exciting project-based learning experience.

NGSS Standards Addressed:

Engineering Design

MS-ETS1-1. Define the criteria and constraints of a design problem with sufficient precision to ensure a successful solution, taking into account relevant scientific principles and potential impacts on people and the natural environment that may limit possible solutions.

MS-ETS1-2. Evaluate competing design solutions using a systematic process to determine how well they meet the criteria and constraints of the problem.

MS-ETS1-3. Analyze data from tests to determine similarities and differences among several design solutions to identify the best characteristics of each that can be combined into a new solution to better meet the criteria for success.

MS-ETS1-4. Develop a model to generate data for iterative testing and modification of a proposed object, tool, or process such that an optimal design can be achieved.

Physical Science (Circuits/Forces and Interactions):

MS-PS2-3: Ask questions about data to determine the factors that affect the strength of electric and magnetic forces.


  1. Foam boards (for constructing the prototype car)
  2. 3V-9V hobby motors
  3. Wires and connectors (for electrical connections)
  4. Batteries and battery holders
  5. Switches
  6. Wheels
  7. Axles
  8. Straws (for axle holders)
  9. Pulleys
  10. Rubberbands (for drive belts)
  11. Optional Hop-Up Parts (assortment of wheels, better motors, bearings for axles, metal axles, etc).
  12. Stopwatches
  13. Various crafting materials (e.g., markers, stickers, tape) for branding and decorating the car
  14. Computer to access Tinkercad or Fusion 360 from the browser for designing the car chassis
  15. 3D printer or access to a 3D printing service to print the car chassis
  16. Tools (e.g., scissors, utility knife, ruler, wire cutters, hot glue, soldering iron) for construction and assembly
  17. Laser Photogate for timing - (Not necessary but increases accuracy)

Please note that this list is a general suggestion, and you may need to adapt it based on your specific design requirements and the availability of materials.

**Credit** Image of Eudax Motor Kit currently available on Amazon

Kit with motors, battery pack, switches, wheels, pulleys, drive belts, etc -

Foam Board for chassis prototype -

Step 1: Building Your Race Team


Your first task will be to establish your race team by choosing a team name, logo, and team members. Collaborate with your teammates to brainstorm creative ideas that reflect the spirit of your team and create a strong brand identity.

  1. Building a race team involves more than just creating a car—it's about establishing a strong identity that represents your team's spirit and values. Start by gathering your team members and brainstorming ideas for your team's name, mission, and values. Discuss what qualities and characteristics you want your team to embody, such as speed, innovation, or teamwork.
  2. Once you have a clear vision for your team, it's time to design a logo that visually represents your brand. The logo will serve as a symbol that distinguishes your team and creates a visual connection with your audience. Consider the following tips for logo design:
  3. Simplicity: Aim for a simple and clean design that is easily recognizable and memorable. Avoid excessive complexity or intricate details that may make it difficult to reproduce the logo in different sizes or formats.
  4. Symbolism: Think about incorporating symbols or elements that relate to racing or your team's identity. This could include imagery of cars, checkered flags, speed lines, or dynamic shapes.
  5. Color palette: Choose a color palette that reflects your team's personality and aligns with your brand. Consider using bold and vibrant colors that grab attention and evoke energy and excitement.
  6. Typography: Select a font or typography style that complements your logo design and enhances its overall aesthetics. Experiment with different fonts to find the one that best represents your team's character.
  7. Originality: Strive for originality in your logo design, avoiding similarities to existing logos or trademarked designs. Create something unique that stands out and captures the essence of your team.
  8. Assign a team member or a group to take the lead in designing the logo. Provide them with the necessary design tools such as graphic design software or even paper and pencils for sketching ideas. Encourage collaboration and feedback from the entire team to ensure that everyone's ideas are considered.
  9. Once your logo design is complete, present it to the team for feedback and refinement. Allow for open discussions and revisions to ensure that the final logo truly represents your team's identity and resonates with everyone involved.
  10. Remember to document the design process and keep digital copies of your logo in various formats (e.g., JPEG, PNG, vector file) for future use in promotional materials, team uniforms, and any other branding initiatives.

By building a strong race team and designing a compelling logo, you will not only create a recognizable identity but also foster team cohesion and pride. Your logo will serve as a visual representation of your team's hard work and dedication throughout the project.

Step 2: Researching Parts and Budgeting


  1. Once your race team is established and you have defined your team's brand identity, it's time to research and select the parts you'll need for your race car. This step involves exploring different components such as motors, wheels, gears, and other accessories that are suitable for your prototype car.
  2. Divide your team into smaller groups, each responsible for researching a specific component. For example, one group can focus on motors, another on wheels, and so on. Encourage each group to find multiple options and compare them based on factors such as performance, price, durability, and compatibility with your design.
  3. As you gather information about different parts, keep track of their costs. Create a spreadsheet or budgeting tool where you can list the parts, their prices, and any additional expenses associated with them (e.g., batteries, connectors).
  4. Calculate the total cost of the parts for your race car. Consider factors such as the quantity of each part required for the car. This will help you establish a budget for your team and ensure that your expenses align with your available resources.
  5. Discuss and make decisions as a team based on your research and budget. Determine which parts provide the best balance of performance and cost-effectiveness for your race car. Keep in mind that staying within budget while maintaining quality is an important aspect of engineering and project management.
  6. Reflect on your budgeting process and discuss any trade-offs you had to make. Consider how your choices may impact the overall performance and competitiveness of your race car. This reflection will help you make informed decisions throughout the project and develop critical thinking skills related to resource allocation and financial management.

By researching parts and calculating the cost or budget for your team, you'll gain valuable skills in researching, budgeting, and making informed decisions. Remember to document your findings and keep track of your expenses as you progress through the project.


Each team should start out with a specific amount of money in their budget. Additionally, you may want to create jobs in your classroom and assign a "salary" to teams. This allows that teams to assist with setting up and cleaning up while also seeing the benefit to their team's bank account. You can also create challenges that if completed are rewarded with additional money to use to buy more parts to build a more powerful race car.

For a list of team challenges use the following link: Team Challenges

Step 3: Prototyping


Now it's time to bring your race car to life! Using 3V hobby motors and foam board, you'll design and build a functional prototype that showcases your engineering prowess. Through hands-on experimentation and testing, you'll refine your design to achieve optimal performance. Measure and record data to evaluate the effectiveness of your prototype and make informed decisions for improvements. As you build keep an eye on your progress and see which challenges you might be able to check off. For a list of team challenges use the following link: Team Challenges

  1. The prototyping stage is a crucial step in the process of creating your race car. It involves constructing a functional prototype using hobby motors and foam board to test and refine your design. Prototyping allows you to experiment with different configurations, make adjustments, and identify any issues before moving forward with the final design.
  2. Start by gathering the necessary materials, including foam board, hobby motors, wires, connectors, batteries, and switches. Ensure that you have the appropriate tools such as scissors, rulers, and assistance for utility knives, and hot glue guns for construction.
  3. Begin by designing the body of your race car on the foam board. Use a pencil to sketch out the shape and dimensions of the car chassis. Consider the size of the motors, battery holder, and other components. Once you have a clear design, carefully cut out the pieces using scissors or a utility knife with assistance from an adult if needed.
  4. Next, create holes in the foam board where the pulley and drive belt for the motor and axle will be inserted. With assistance, measure the diameter of the pulleys and use a sharp utility knife to cut holes at appropriate locations. Make sure the hole is sized correctly to ensure room for the pulley clearance and drive belt.
  5. To hold the axles in place, you can use straws as axle holders. Cut the straws into smaller sections that match the width of your car chassis. Glue the straws onto the foam chassis, and ensure they are straight on the foam board. The straighter they are the straighter your car will drive down the track. *TIP* Be sure not to glue the axle to the axle holder (straws). This would prevent the axle from being able to turn, therefore acting like a parking brake.
  6. Attach the pulley and wheels to the end of the axles. Be sure to glue or tape them on so that they rotate with the axle as it turns. If not attached to the axle it will spin inside the wheel or pulley and the car will not move.
  7. Attach the hobby motors to the foam board using hot glue or another adhesive. Apply a small amount of glue to the bottom of each motor and press them firmly onto the designated spots. Make sure they are aligned properly and parallel to each other to ensure smooth movement.
  8. Connect the motors to the battery holder using wires and connectors. Strip the ends of the wires and twist them together with the corresponding wires from the motors. Use electrical tape or soldering, if necessary, to secure the connections. Attach the battery holder to the foam board using hot glue or other adhesive.
  9. Once all the components are in place, insert the batteries into the holder and test the functionality of your prototype. Observe how the motors operate and make any necessary adjustments to ensure proper alignment and movement.
  10. Throughout the prototyping stage, take measurements and record data related to the performance of your car. This information will be valuable for evaluating and refining your design later on.

By prototyping with hobby motors and foam board, you'll be able to test and fine-tune your race car design, identify any potential issues, and make necessary adjustments before moving on to the final stages of the project. Remember to take your time and be creative in finding solutions during this phase.


You can expand the prototyping stage to include lessons about circuits, wiring diagrams, simple machines with mechanical advantage/gear ratios, and more. Tinkercad can be used to model circuits as well as wiring diagrams in the "Circuits" feature. As teams build remind teams to check their progress and see which challenges they may have completed to unlock additional funds to improve their car.

For a list of team challenges use the following link: Team Challenges

Step 4: Designing the Car Chassis in Tinkercad


Once you have successfully tested and measured your prototype, it's time to take your design to the next level. Utilizing the power of 3D printing and Tinkercad, you'll design a custom car chassis that will give your race car a competitive edge. Dive into the world of computer-aided design (CAD) as you refine your design, ensuring both aesthetics and functionality.

  1. Tinkercad is a user-friendly online 3D design tool that allows you to create digital models. In this step, you will use Tinkercad to design the car chassis, which will be 3D printed for the final assembly of your race car.
  2. Start by creating an account on Tinkercad if you haven't already done so. Once you're logged in, you'll be greeted with a blank canvas where you can start your design.
  3. Familiarize yourself with the Tinkercad workspace. It consists of different tools and features, such as shape generators, basic shapes, and manipulation tools on the right side, and a workplane in the center where you'll be designing your car chassis.
  4. Now it's time to design the base of the car chassis. Use the basic shapes available in Tinkercad, such as boxes or cylinders, to create the main structure. Click on the desired shape, drag it onto the workplane, and resize it by dragging its handles.
  5. Combine and manipulate the shapes to form the base of your car chassis. Use the alignment and grouping tools in Tinkercad to position and join the shapes together. Experiment with different configurations and dimensions to achieve the desired design.
  6. Add additional features and details to your car chassis, such as cutouts for the motors, spaces for the axles, bearings, or any aerodynamic elements you want to incorporate. You can use various Tinkercad tools like the hole tool, and shape generators, or even import custom shapes if needed.
  7. As you design, consider the dimensions and compatibility of your car chassis with the existing components, such as the motors, wheels, and battery holder. Make sure there is enough space and proper alignment for these components to fit in the final assembly.
  8. Once you are satisfied with your car chassis design, review it from different angles using the navigation tools in Tinkercad. Make any necessary adjustments or refinements to ensure a well-balanced and functional design. Keep in mind as you design that print time is a factor in the price of your car. The longer it takes the print the more of your budget will be used. Try to design in a way that simplifies the design and print time to be the most efficient.
  9. When your car chassis design is complete, you can export it as an STL file, which is a standard file format for 3D printing. Save the STL file to your computer or a removable storage device, as you will need it for the next step of the project.

By designing the car chassis in Tinkercad, you can create a digital model that represents the structure of your race car. Tinkercad offers a user-friendly interface and a range of design tools to help you bring your car chassis to life. Remember to be creative and take your time to refine the design until you are satisfied with the final result.


Creating a Tinkercad classroom and adding your students is incredibly simple and can be used with Google Classroom. This allows you to view, duplicate, and download all of the student-created designs in one easy-to-use location. If you have students that are already familiar with Tinkercad you may consider signing up for an educator license for Fusion 360 and adding those students. Fusion 360 will provide a steeper learning curve but additional features in customizing their CAD chassis designs. There are various easy-to-follow tutorials available for both Tinkercad and Fusion 360.

Copy of HDM FALCONS 3D Model Chassis

Copy of TopFuel Dragster

Chassis Design

Step 5: Assembling and Testing


With your 3D-printed car chassis in hand, it's time to assemble the final race car. Follow the provided instructions and utilize your problem-solving skills to bring together all the components. Once assembled, it's time for the most exciting part - testing your creation! Prepare for some thrilling races and measure the performance of your race car against your team's objectives.

  1. Once you have 3D printed the car chassis and all the necessary components are ready, it's time to assemble the car and test its performance. This step will help you evaluate how well your design functions and identify areas for improvement.
  2. Begin by gathering all the printed parts, motors, wheels, axles, and other components needed for the assembly. Make sure you have the necessary tools, and any adhesives required for securing parts together.
  3. Start assembling the car by attaching the hobby motor to the designated area in the car chassis. Ensure that the motors are properly aligned and firmly secured in place.
  4. Install the axles into the axle holders on the car chassis. If you used straws as axle holders during the prototyping stage, slide the axles into the straws. Ensure that the axles are straight and rotate freely without any friction.
  5. Mount the wheels onto the axles. Depending on your design, you may need to use additional components such as washers or spacers to ensure proper alignment and stability. Make sure the wheels are securely attached and can rotate smoothly.
  6. Connect the wiring from the motors to the appropriate terminals on the battery holder or power source. Double-check the connections to ensure they are secure and that the polarity is correct. Use tape, soldering, or connectors to ensure reliable electrical connections.
  7. Before testing, ensure that the batteries are fully charged or have sufficient power. Insert the batteries into the battery holder and switch on any additional components like switches or LED lights, if applicable.
  8. Find a suitable location for testing your car, such as a smooth surface table, hallway, or race track. Ensure that the area is clear of obstacles and provides enough space for the car to move freely.
  9. Turn on the power source and observe the car's performance. Note how fast it moves, how straight it drives, and any vibrations or issues you observe. Encourage team members to record data during the testing process.
  10. Collect data that will help you evaluate the car's performance and guide modifications to the design. Useful data to collect includes speed measurements using a stopwatch or measuring distance covered within a specific time frame. You can also record any observations regarding stability or potential areas for improvement. For a copy of the team datasheet use the following link: Track Datasheet
  11. Analyze the collected data and discuss it as a team. Identify any areas where the car's performance did not meet your expectations or any design flaws that need to be addressed. Consider how modifications to the design, such as adjusting weight distribution, changing wheel size, or improving aerodynamics, could improve performance.
  12. Based on the data analysis, make informed decisions about the necessary modifications to the car design. Discuss potential design changes and collaborate as a team to implement these modifications effectively.
  13. If needed go back to your 3d chassis design and make modifications and repeat the testing and data collection steps.

By assembling and testing the car, you will gain valuable insights into its performance and identify areas for design optimization. Collecting data and analyzing it critically will help you make informed decisions about necessary modifications. Remember to document your findings and use them to drive iterative improvements in your car design.


The track data sheet is a great way to collect information for the team and create discussions about performance and observations. Stress to the students the power of the data and how it helps the team set goals for future challenges and designs.

Step 6: Assessing the Team


For a list of team challenges use the following link: Team Challenges

Data Collection Sheet: This sheet is a tool for teams to record and analyze data during the testing phase of their car design. It includes various parameters and metrics that can be measured to assess the performance of the car. The sheet serves as a guide for students to systematically collect and document their observations, enabling them to make informed decisions about modifications to their design. This sheet can also be used as evidence for completing specific challenges.

Team Usage:

  1. Recording Data: Teams can use the data collection sheet to record measurements such as speed, distance traveled, and time taken during test runs of their car. They can note the specific settings or configurations used for each trial.
  2. Analysis and Comparison: Teams can use the collected data to analyze the performance of their car under different conditions. They can identify trends, patterns, and outliers, and discuss how different factors might have influenced the results.
  3. Reflection and Decision-making: The data collection sheet prompts teams to reflect on their findings and consider modifications to improve their car's performance. By analyzing the data, teams can identify areas where adjustments or enhancements can be made to enhance speed, stability, or efficiency.

Teacher Usage:

  1. Formative Assessment: The teacher can review the data collection sheets to assess students' understanding of the project objectives and their ability to collect and interpret data. By examining the recorded measurements, the teacher can identify areas where students might need additional support or guidance.
  2. Classroom Discussion: The data collection sheets can be used as a basis for classroom discussions. The teacher can facilitate discussions where teams share their findings, compare results, and explain the rationale behind their design choices. This promotes collaboration, critical thinking, and a deeper understanding of the scientific and engineering concepts at play.
  3. Feedback and Support: Based on the data collected, the teacher can provide targeted feedback to individual teams or the entire class. The teacher can offer suggestions for improvements, highlight areas of success, and guide students in further refining their designs.

Overall, the data collection sheet serves as a valuable tool for both teams and the teacher. It enables teams to track their progress, analyze their results, and make data-driven decisions. Simultaneously, it allows the teacher to monitor student progress, provide formative feedback, and facilitate discussions that deepen students' understanding of the project's scientific and engineering principles.

For a copy of a weekly goal-setting sheet use the following link: Goal Setting Sheet

For a copy of a self-reflection sheet use the following link: Self-Reflection Sheet


Proof of Mastery:

Teams can use their Logo Branding, Prototype Car, 3D Printed Car, Portfolio of designs, and data collected to demonstrate mastery. This could be done as a presentation, digital portfolio, or video.

Additionally, formative assessment can be done through the use of various challenges. Consider having the student teams create and provide feedback on challenges they might want to add to the list.

Using rewards from the Team Challenges helps to get teams a target to focus on and iterate towards. If teams receive rewards from racing and beating other teams then those teams will be the only teams that increase their budget and gain an advantage. Racing should be done in the spirit of competition. These challenges also serve as a form of assessment.

Additional Examples of Challenges and Awards can include:

  1. Budgeting Challenge: Teams are given a fixed budget to "purchase" parts from their teacher. The challenge is to create a detailed budget plan, allocating funds to different components based on their cost and importance. Teams must justify their budget choices, demonstrating their understanding of cost-effectiveness and prioritization.
  2. Design Challenge: Teams are tasked with designing a car chassis that meets specific criteria, such as minimum weight, maximum stability, or optimal aerodynamics. They must apply their knowledge of engineering principles and use their creativity to come up with an innovative and functional design.
  3. Speed Challenge: Teams compete to build the fastest car within their budget. They need to optimize their design, select appropriate motors and wheels, and fine-tune their car's performance to achieve the highest speed possible. The team with the fastest car wins the challenge.
  4. Precision Challenge: Teams are challenged to build a car that can travel in a straight line with maximum precision. They must focus on wheel alignment, weight distribution, and minimizing friction to ensure the car stays on track without veering off course.
  5. Innovation Challenge: Teams are encouraged to incorporate unique features or modifications into their car design. This challenge rewards teams for their creativity, out-of-the-box thinking, and ability to apply scientific concepts to improve their car's performance or aesthetics.
  6. Durability Challenge: Teams must build a car that can withstand rigorous testing and racing without major failures or damage. The challenge focuses on selecting robust materials, ensuring proper reinforcement, and evaluating the car's ability to withstand different forces and conditions.
  7. Data Analysis Challenge: Teams are required to collect and analyze data during testing, such as speed measurements, distance covered, or acceleration rates. They must interpret the data, draw conclusions, and make adjustments to their design based on their analysis to optimize performance.
  8. Presentation Challenge: Teams present their car design, budget plan, and modifications to a panel of judges or the class. They must effectively communicate their design choices, explain the science behind their decisions, and showcase their understanding of the engineering principles involved.
  9. Teamwork Challenge: Teams are assessed on their ability to collaborate, delegate tasks, and work effectively as a team. This challenge emphasizes teamwork, communication, and problem-solving skills, encouraging students to learn from one another and leverage each other's strengths.
  10. Reflection Challenge: Teams reflect on their design and building process, identifying successes, challenges, and lessons learned. They present a written or oral reflection highlighting their growth, areas of improvement, and how they would approach the project differently in the future.

These challenges not only assess the teams' mastery of the project but also foster engagement, competition, and critical thinking. By unlocking rewards for completing challenges, teams are motivated to push their boundaries, think critically, and strive for excellence in their team's race car-building endeavor.

Project-Based Learning Contest

This is an entry in the
Project-Based Learning Contest