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100+ Comments Earned a bronze medal
10K+ Views Earned a bronze medal
Wear It Contest
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Wear It Contest
Big and Small Contest
Contest Winner Second Prize in the Big and Small Contest
Baking Contest
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Baking Contest
Crafts For Kids Challenge
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Crafts For Kids Challenge
Rice & Grains Challenge
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Rice & Grains Challenge
Fried Food Challenge
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Fried Food Challenge
Meatless Challenge
Contest Winner Grand Prize in the Meatless Challenge
Pets Challenge
Contest Winner Grand Prize in the Pets Challenge
Fruits and Veggies Speed Challenge
Contest Winner First Prize in the Fruits and Veggies Speed Challenge
Chocolate Challenge
Contest Winner Grand Prize in the Chocolate Challenge
Bread and Soup Speed Challenge
Contest Winner Grand Prize in the Bread and Soup Speed Challenge
Pie Challenge
Contest Winner Second Prize in the Pie Challenge
Diorama Speed Challenge
Contest Winner Second Prize in the Diorama Speed Challenge
Winter Fun Challenge
Contest Winner First Prize in the Winter Fun Challenge
Breakfast Speed Challenge
Contest Winner Grand Prize in the Breakfast Speed Challenge
Cookie Speed Challenge
Contest Winner First Prize in the Cookie Speed Challenge
Edible Art Challenge
Contest Winner First Prize in the Edible Art Challenge
Tiny Things Speed Challenge
Contest Winner First Prize in the Tiny Things Speed Challenge
Halloween Contest
Contest Winner Ninth Prize in the Halloween Contest
Bread Speed Challenge
Contest Winner First Prize in the Bread Speed Challenge
Sew Warm Speed Challenge
Contest Winner Grand Prize in the Sew Warm Speed Challenge
Halloween Contest
Contest Winner Ninth Prize in the Halloween Contest
Silly Hats Speed Challenge
Contest Winner Grand Prize in the Silly Hats Speed Challenge
Meat Free Meal Challenge
Contest Winner First Prize in the Meat Free Meal Challenge
Cookies Contest
Contest Winner First Prize in the Cookies Contest
Fashion Contest
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Fashion Contest
Halloween Contest 2019
Contest Winner Tenth Prize in the Halloween Contest 2019
Book Character Costume Challenge
Contest Winner First Prize in the Book Character Costume Challenge
Fat Challenge
Contest Winner First Prize in the Fat Challenge
Pie Contest
Contest Winner Grand Prize in the Pie Contest
Casting Contest
Contest Winner First Prize in the Casting Contest
Flowers Challenge
Contest Winner Judges Prize in the Flowers Challenge
Halloween Contest 2017
Contest Winner First Prize in the Halloween Contest 2017
Cheese Challenge 2016
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Cheese Challenge 2016
Hats and Headpieces Challenge
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Hats and Headpieces Challenge
Cake Decorating Contest
Contest Winner Second Prize in the Cake Decorating Contest
Chocolate Contest
Contest Winner Grand Prize in the Chocolate Contest
Sugar Contest
Contest Winner Grand Prize in the Sugar Contest
Superfood Challenge
Contest Winner Grand Prize in the Superfood Challenge
Sweet Tooth Contest
Contest Winner Second Prize in the Sweet Tooth Contest
Halloween Food Contest
Contest Winner First Prize in the Halloween Food Contest
Halloween Photos Challenge
Contest Winner Second Prize in the Halloween Photos Challenge

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