
Get ready to hack your world and all the things in it!

In the IoT Builders Contest, we challenge you to build internet-connected solutions that make you or your world smarter, using tech in cool new ways. Connect products and devices, build apps, or hack a process. Whether in the realm of your home, your work, your health or your recreation, any build related to the "Internet of Things" is eligible.

Prizes are generously provided by IBM Watson IoT, with two judges' prizes for projects that use the IBM Watson or Watson IoT Services, or open source Node-RED visual programming tools. Top projects will win a MakerBot 3D printer, Autel drone, GoPro camera, and much more. Projects will be judged on creativity, originality, and documentation of the Instructable. Good luck and have fun bringing your IoT projects to life!

Learn more about IBM Watson IoT at www.ibm.com/iot, and start building now.

Want to explore Node-RED? Check it out here.

IBM employees are not eligible to win; however, we encourage you to join the fun! Your builds could be featured as the best IBM-crafted hacks on ibm.com/iot (otherwise, void where prohibited).

Want more contests? Check out Instructables' current contests here!

The IoT Builders Contest is closed.

Grand Prize


Judges' Prize: Use of the IBM Watson or Watson IoT Services, or open source Node-RED visual programming tools

29 Prizes

Grand (1)

One Grand Prize winner will receive:

Judges' Prize: Use of the IBM Watson or Watson IoT Services, or open source Node-RED visual programming tools

Two Judges' Prize winners will receive:

First (6)

Six First Prize winners will receive:
  • HTC ViVe
  • an Instructables prize pack including a robot t-shirt or stainless steel mug

Second (10)

Ten Second Prize winners will receive:
  • Go Pro Hero Session
  • an Instructables prize pack including a robot t-shirt or stainless steel mug

Third (10)

Ten Third Prize winners will receive:
  • Harman Speaker
  • an Instructables prize pack including a robot t-shirt or stainless steel mug
How It Works

Write an Instructable

Create a new Instructable that fits the guidelines outlined in the contest description above. To be eligible, Instructables must be published between Oct 10, 2016 and Jan 2, 2017 (11:59pm PT).


Upon publishing your Instructable you'll see checkboxes for open contests. Select IoT Builders Contest. If you have entries currently eligible for entry, it will also show up by clicking "Enter this Contest" on the right side of this page.


Entries are accepted by Instructables staff within one business day Monday - Friday. What matters is the submission time, not acceptance time.


A panel of judges made up of Instructables staff and respected members of the community rate the finalists. The averages of the ratings determine the winners.


When the winners are decided they will be notified and announced here on the contest page.