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500+ Comments Earned a silver medal
10K+ Views Earned a bronze medal
Wear It Contest
Contest Winner Second Prize in the Wear It Contest
Cold Challenge
Contest Winner Second Prize in the Cold Challenge
Baking Contest
Contest Winner Second Prize in the Baking Contest
Rice & Grains Challenge
Contest Winner First Prize in the Rice & Grains Challenge
Back to School: Student Design Challenge
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Back to School: Student Design Challenge
Pumpkin Challenge
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Pumpkin Challenge
Fandom Contest
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Fandom Contest
Cheese Challenge
Contest Winner First Prize in the Cheese Challenge
Sculpt & Carve Challenge
Contest Winner Second Prize in the Sculpt & Carve Challenge
Fruits and Veggies Speed Challenge
Contest Winner First Prize in the Fruits and Veggies Speed Challenge
Leather Challenge
Contest Winner Second Prize in the Leather Challenge
Go Big Challenge
Contest Winner First Prize in the Go Big Challenge
Chocolate Challenge
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Chocolate Challenge
Home and Garden Contest
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Home and Garden Contest
Microcontroller Contest
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Microcontroller Contest
Cookies Speed Challenge
Contest Winner Second Prize in the Cookies Speed Challenge
Candy Speed Challenge
Contest Winner First Prize in the Candy Speed Challenge
CNC Contest 2020
Contest Winner Second Prize in the CNC Contest 2020
Oil Contest
Contest Winner Runner Up in the Oil Contest
Photography Contest 2017
Contest Winner First Prize in the Photography Contest 2017

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